Vitamin manufacturers have a big job to fulfill when they begin the process of manufacturing your new vitamin line. If you are new to the supplement business or are ready to launch a new line, then you should familiarize yourself with the various ways that are available when it comes to manufacturing and stocking your product lines.
Private label manufacturing allows you to establish a product line with less effort. You will also have access to those vitamins and supplements that seem to be in much higher demand than others, and since they are private label, you won’t have to go through the arduous process of researching the brand.
The vitamin manufacturers can quickly get to work manufacturing your product line quickly and efficiently so you can get the product out to the customers much faster. This is possible because private label manufacturing allows you to take an already tested and formulated product and add your own label and touch to it. It is also a good way to save money when it comes to marketing because they are already products that the customers want.
If you would rather create your own line of vitamins and supplements rather than piggybacking on an already existing product or line, then you may want to look into custom supplement manufacturing instead. It provides you with the opportunity to come up with your own innovative line of products, but it is much more time-consuming.
However, the result is a product that the customer won’t be able to find anywhere else because it was custom made by you.
There is a lot of research time that needs to be established for a custom line, and a lot of discussions have to be had with the vitamin manufacturers you choose to ensure that you are getting exactly what it is you set out for from the beginning.
The bottom line when choosing between manufacturing a private label or creating a custom supplement is time. How much time do you have to dedicate to the process from beginning to end? If you want less risk and more reward, then perhaps a private label should be considered.
However, if you are looking for a challenge and you want to create something new that your customers can’t find anywhere else, then a custom supplement formulation may be just what you need to rise above the competition and put your company on the map.